Wednesday, October 23, 2013


While I was in Paris I got an email through my flickr account from Heather Grant asking if I would be interested in having one of my quilts reproduced in a book she was doing. Answer: wellhellyeah! The quilt she requested was one that I've given a few different names to in the past, but that I personally refer to as That Big Pink Orange One. It references a traditional log cabin pattern, the subject of her book, but that quilt, in particular, has always been more about color for me.

I took these 2 snaps on route to gawk at the taxidermied menagerie at Deyrolle. I love pretty much everything about these clothes, but especially the color combinations. That mix of burgundy-wine and salmon with that brown umber-ish printed scarf - so great. I rarely wear color myself. Like many women (particularly living in NYC), I have a closet of gray, navy, brown, black. My apartment "decor" is equally subdued. It's really only on my quilt wall that colors like chartreuse and magenta exist. Well, there and in the hundreds of photo/magazine references I've collected (hoarded?) over the years.

A link to That Big Pink Orange One.

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