Saturday, November 29, 2014

wee quilt for a wee bairn

Theoretically, anyway, since I don't currently have any babes in my life. No matter! I've kept busy over the holiday sewing up all the small leftover triangles from the geese on Lily's quilt. I think I will add some fabric panels to the sides, while keeping the block of triangles off center. 
The marbling background texture is much less apparent in person.
I ran across this fabric at Cityquilter last time I was there that I'd never seen before—it is a version of the constellation mural on the ceiling of Grand Central. It evidently also comes in a greenish blue that is closer to the actual ceiling, but I bought a FQ of this cream version with gold ink printing. I really quite like it. It reminds me that I had thought once about doing a more directly inspired quilt from elements of Grand Central's architecture, but what do you know! That never happened. Ahem.
My ironing board cover looks disgusting in this photo, I realize. I replace the covers with some regularity, and only ever iron clean fabric so how do they get so gross? Is it the NYC tap water I use to spritz it? Yechh.


  1. The ceiling/constellation fabric is beautiful. And half-square triangles make my heart sing.
    You have a baby-ish cat in your life, right?
    I think the ironing board covers discolor from scorching, impurities in the water, chemicals in the fabric.

    1. Ahh, well, yes, that makes sense and confirms my thinking. I realize suddenly that looking at that grotty cover was actually making me feel guilty somehow, like it was a moral failure on my part that I couldn't keep it pristine. Such silliness.

  2. Your HSTs look amazing! I love the row of black ones! My ironing board cover is quite new and already looking gross and I don't use water when I'm ironing.
