Tuesday, February 11, 2014

you gotta work, work it girl, do your thing

So I'm in the process of putting together my portfolio. Something I haven't done for 14 years. Things have changed a lot since then (I don't need to tell you that). Anyway, it's hard. I've been in the process of it since early November when I was told that my position was being eliminated. I've had a couple bursts of energy since then that I have used to try to make some headway, but frankly, it takes a lot of concentration and detachment to sift through everything I've done for more than a decade and objectively curate a small mountain of stuff into a concise and elegant display of 10-12 projects. I'm getting there, though, I think. It does confirm a long simmering (festering) idea I have that the capacity to critically assess and dispose of images/objects efficiently is going to become an ever more in-demand capability. The future will belong to those that can ruthlessly and eloquently edit.

cover design for business we didn't win. not likely to make the cut.

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